Past president of “Doing nothing” department

Manly tears are shapeless!

I am dreaming of a day where I become too fed with power to the point where I start to act like a massive jerk with a huge ego!

Meanwhile,I’ll be starving to death,while playing video games and doing part-times for a living.

I would have been really happy if I was the only one in this position.It’s too bad that huge amount of the populace of Earth is pretty much like that.

Alright,I would have not been happy!I would have been probably even more negative than now.

You should not be reading this post.

nice blog


This be one of those posts where I complain about how nothing is going the way I want to,how hungry I am and how it’s starting to get hot outside,something of which I am not fond of.

About them videogames – I am actually close to finish some,but for some reason there is that tiny bit in most of them,that tiny bit of difficulty that is not letting me finish.To be fair,it is even killing my mood to play them.And it’s not just the fact that I can’t do them.It’s the fact that I have to try over and over.I guess I will manage eventually…yeah…

I also dropped some games.I just don’t feel like adding them to the lab’s valut.I don’t know…

Besides that,I’ll have to also deal with game development,studying and working.GOOD TIMES!


A-am I wetaded yet?

Today is a day where people around me get the wrong ideas due to recieving information in a wrong way.We have people being mad at me for one reason or another,while I try to keep calm and solve the situation in agreeable way for both sides.It all ends up with me going over the edge and saying things that I did not wanted to say.


Also,working,still WORKING on my freakin’ game.Yeah,that still exist,I know!It’s old news,boo-hoo by now…